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keskiviikko 20. helmikuuta 2013

Grey Hanoi

The bus trip from Hoi An to Hanoi was looong. But it wasn't so bad because the sleeper seats were relatively soft so I slept big part of the trip. It was 18 hours of honking, the driver honked to alert everyone (including scooters) he passed - and he was passing all the time. And at the night time, the trucks which were coming from opposite direction, honked to our bus which was often on wrong line. But we got to Hanoi safely around 8 am and I had the whole day to see this city.

One temple I visited randomly / yksi temppeli jossa vierailin
First impression of this city was really good. The traffic is not somehow as chaotic, there are more traffic lights. There is also a lake in the middle of the city. It of course effects that I am more confident to move around than I was in HCMC but I think I like this city more. It was raining the whole day, but not like pouring rain but like in greenhouses, but the whole day was really grey.

I visited one temple and went to see the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh. It was a very interesting day. Now I have to run, a tour to Halong bay. I hope it doesn't rain :)


Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh / Ho Chi Minhin mausoleumi
Perilla Hanoissa. Jai todella vahan aikaa kirjoittaa tama suomenkielinen teksti koska pitaa kiitaa etten myohasty retkelta. Joten kuvien perusteella vahan paikkoja jossa kiertelin eilen. Ensimmaisen paivan perusteella tama on mielestani miellyttavampi kaupunki kuin HCMC, tosin voi johtua siita etta nyt on vahan enemman rohkeutta liikkua. Eilinen oli sateinen, saa nahda miten tanaan kun vuorossa on retki Halong Bayhin.

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