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lauantai 2. maaliskuuta 2013

Ready for the next step - jungle, cold shower and mosquiitos for 3 months

Now it is time to change the place again and leave behind the beautiful island of Koh Tao. Tomorrow I will head to Hat Yai and meet the people at Dalaa office and on Monday I will get some training for my volunteer work which should start shortly after the introduction.

The project which I am attending is an agricultular learning center in a village called Baan Kok Riang. The main purpose of the project is to try to create a learning center functioning sort of as a working model for the surrounding community members, especially for the new generation, to grow healthy organic non-chemically produce rice, vegetables, fruits as well as breeding up animals like chickens, and fisheries for the daily consumption without harming the nature. The project is just starting so I will be the first volunteer and therefore I will probably be doing some building and helping in basically everything where needed.

I am excited and ready to go. Mainly because  I am burned and need to stay inside and because I got my party on thursday. I was the whole night with two swedish guys and it was really nice to float on one wooden thing couple of meters from the shore and listen music. That was like an extra table in the bar. Today I am thinking of going to have nice dinner, but after the sun is set. And I need to pack of course.

There are so many Swedes in here so they had
to bring some important goods from Sweden to here :) /
Täällä on niin paljon ruotsalaisia, jotta niiden
oli tuotava hyödykkeitä myös ruottalaisille :)
I might not be able to update my blog ofter after I leave the office next week because there is no internet. But there should be internet cafe somewhere close by so I will go there atleast during weekends.

Just to add the latest, I am now waiting for the boat at the pier. The taxi didn't show up. Of course. I haven't developed my zen so far that i wouldnt have been cursing. But i had prpared for this and used as an excuse bfast so I could ask taxi to come one hour befoere. And it was needed as i needed to walk after all.


Pahoitteluni, suomenkielinen versio jää taas lyhyeksi koska netti lopetti illalla toimintansa lukuisten sähkökatkojen jälkeen. Olen nyt satamassa odottamassa lauttaa. Matka jatkuu nyt vihdoin sinne vapaaehtoistyöpaikkaan. Alkuun parin päivän perehdytys toimistomla joten toivottavasti voin sieltä vielä päivitellä kuulumisia. Mutta nyt täytyy mennä, hei hei Koh Tao!

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