" I feel tired... Even though we slept quite late because it was raining yesterday so we didn't have to go and water the plants. Late means 7 am :)" Also today we slept late as it is weekend and we have day offs. So they woke us up at 7.30 for bfast. And yesterday I woke up about six because I wanted to go jogging. Not exactly like at home :D But there is no need to sleep later because there is no need to stay up late. Unless we are in Hat Yai and enjoying city life, like pubs ;)
"I got a very good birthday present. A roommate! Claire came from Switzerland and was quite in a shock in a beginning. Culture shock and affects of the long trip luckily were settled with a good night sleep and the next morning she already felt that it is possible to stay in this country for those two months she intended to stay. Now after two weeks we still get along perfectly. We have played all sort of games we can think of and went to Hat Yai to drink some tequilas and beers in English pubs (Claire is half English by the way).
Claire in a our "local" in Hat Yai / Claire meidan kantiksessa Hat Yaissa |
"We both (Claire and me) have a history as scouts so we are both practical people and enjoy being in a nature. We have also adopted couple of animals as we both love different kind of animals. Samu (Edelmann) is our first pet (if you don't count the gekkos and lizards and all sort of insects). Now a days it comes quite often to check out if we have left some bread unattended and we can hear him trying to get attention from the neighbors as well. Our second adopted animal is Bobby, a skinny little puppy dog who got his name after the English policemen." Bobby has been seen now like three times so we know it is alive. But because the locals throw wild dogs with things and slap them if they come too close, Bobby is a very insecure little thing. We managed to get it close with food. Maybe it is too small to be too afraid of people or it was just so hungry. But giving bits of food we got him close enough so we could scratch him. And he ate with a such appetite. I hope we could get a chance to give him a bit more food so it would grow stronger and be able to fight a bit better for his food. He has lost one ear already in those noisy and apparently brutal fights.
Samu (Edelmann) |
"Life in here Kok Riang continues stable. Meals still make the rhythm of the day and we work with small and sometimes with a bit bigger things. When ever the weather is good for working. I wonder what we do now when the weather starts to get more rainy... We have also started to work out because the tasty food and few work load shows easily on the hips :) One needs to be imaginative to find means to work out in this weather. We have had small exercise moments or yoga on the terrace of our hut or even on the back of a moving pick-up truck. And we have gone jogging and cycling (we got bikes on last week!) around one small fake lake. Locals arrange an aerobic-lesson in there every night and it is very famous among the local ladies. Men got their share of a fresh air by cycling around the lake or going around it with motorcycles. The most amazing mean of "exercising" I have seen so far is to go by car (brand new pick-ups) around the lake but with the walking speed...
We decided to stay with our Thai-family for this weekend. The wife of our host comes home only every second weekend from her job and we went to pick her up on Friday. They bought so many western unhealthy things from Tesco Lotus!! We eat very healthily during the weeks (except all the thai desserts we are offered a bit too often :D) so it was quite of a shock to see all those donuts, sweet bread and enormous amount of food. But we ate so well. And me and Claire, we made a pumpkin soup and garlic bread and so delicious smoothie from the fresh fruits.
We visited many places during this weekend like a market, a temple and even a hospital where we saw one close friend of the family in coma. I assume our hosts think that we want to go and see things when ever we can so they take us with when they go somewhere. We often enjoy it but for example today, we just sat in a car and went around places where we couldn't talk with anyone when we could have stayed at home and read a book. But it has been very interesting to see the places we would never visit without a thai-family. Even the hospital was interesting place to see. So many people just put on the hallways of the hospital and big rooms. Dying ones next to the almost healthy ones. It just requires patience because we don't know where they take us and why. Even though I know now that much Thai so I judge I could already understand more than they are willing to explain, as if it is not necessary to explain to us as we are young and maybe foreigners. Just some cultural differences again. I am on my way to be the most patient woman in the world ;)
Viime viikolla nukuttiin useasti myohaan koska edellisena iltana satoi, eli meidan ei tarvinnut menna kastelemaan kasveja. Myohaan tarkoittaa siis seitsemaan :) Monesti herataan viimeistaan kuudelta, tai siis kello on soimassa 5.40. On aika upeaa paasta puutarhaan auringon nousessa, istua lavalla ja tuntea thaimaassa niin harvinainen viilea tuuli.
Sain muuten syntymapaivalahjaksi kaverin! Claire tuli Sveitsista ja oli aluksi aikamoisessa kulttuurishokin pyorityksessa. Mutta jo seuraavana aamuna maailma naytti paremmalta ja Claire tunsi etta on sittenkin mahdollista olla taalla se kaksi kuukautta mika hanella oli alunperinkin suunnitelmissa. Nyt pari viikkoa myohemmin tulemme edelleen loistavasti toimeen. Olemme pelanneet kaiken maailman peleja joita vain on tullut mieleen (laivanupotusta, korttipeleja, tehty thaisanoista muistipeli yms yms) ja kayty Hat Yaissa rentoutmassa eli juomassa vahan tequilaa ja olutta englantilaisissa pubeissa.
Hat Yai |
Kummallakin meista on partiotausta, joten olemme kummatkin kaytannon ihmisia ja tykataan olla luonnossa. Olemme myos ottaneet hoteisiimme elaimia, ja innolla nimenneet uusia kavereitamme. Samu (Edelmann) oli meidan ensimmainen lemmikkimme (jos ei gekkoja, liskoja ja kaiken maailman otokoita oteta lukuun). Nykyaan Samu nukkuu verannalla ja varastaa kaiken syotavaksi kelpaavan. Toinen elaimemme on pikkuinen laiheliini koiranpentu Bobby, joka on nimetty englantilaisten poliisien mukaan. Bobby on muiden lajitovereidensa tavoin erittain arka, silla kulkukoirat saavat helposti kammenesta tai niita yritetaan hatistaa heittamalla tavaroita. Bobby ei kuitenkaan ollut viela oppinut pelkaamaan tai se oli liian nalkainen, silla saimme sen kerran tulemaan lahellemme ruoanpalojen avulla. Olemme nahneet sen muutaman kerran mutta jos muita perheenjasenia on lahella, emme uskalla antaa sille ruokaa. Eilen saimme heidat ymmartamaan etta olemme nimenneet sen ja ehka he saalivat sita/ meita ja bobby sai tutkia puutarhaa ruoantahteiden toivossa.Toivon etta saisimme Bobbyn kasvamaan vahan isommaksi, jotta se voisi paremmin taistella ruoastaan isompia kulkukoiria vastaan. Tahan mennessa Bobby on jo menettanyt toisen korvansa.
Elama taalla Kok Riangissa jatkuu tasaisena. Ruokailut rytmittavat paivia ja teemme pikku askareita tai vahan isompia projekteja (pihan haravointia, istutusta tai vessan rakennusta) aina kun saa vain sallii. Nyt kausi on alkanut muuttua sateisemmaksi, joten meilla voi olla edessa hiljaisemmat ajat. Olemme myos alkaneet kuntoilemaan, silla makoisat ruoat ja vahainen tyomaara nakyy jo reippaasti lantiolla :) Kuntoilutapoja ja paikkoja loytyy tassakin saassa kunhan vain kayttaa mielikuvitustaan. Jumppaame ja joogaamme vaikka pienen majamme terassilla tai lava-auton lavalla tuulen viilentaessa. Kaymme lenkilla hamaran aikaan ja pyorailemassa (saimme viime viikonloppuna pyorat!!) laheisen pienen tekojarven ympari. Siella jarjestetaan illalla aina airobic johon paikalliset mammat osallistuvat sankoin joukoin. Miehet saattavat ulkoilla pyoraillen tai joskus kiertaen jarvea skoottereilla. Mielenkiintoisin "ulkoilumuoto" on ihmisilla jotka kiertavat jarvea upouusilla autoillaan ja katumaastureilla - kavelyvauhtia.
Tana viikonloppuna paatimme pysya kotosalla ja thai-perheemme aiti tuli taas viikonloppuvierailulle. Han kay kotona vain joka toinen viikonloppu, silla han tyoskentelee muualla. Olimme shokissa siita ruokamaarasta (erityisesti lansimaisista epaterveellisista herkuista) joita he ostivat viikonlopuksi. Donitsit, pasteijat ja herkkuleivokset eivat todellakaan kuulu viikkottaiseen ruokavalioomme (saatamme Clairen kanssa kayda salaa ostamassa niita tosin :D ) Kavimme monissa paikoissa kuten temppelissa, markkinoilla ja jopa sairaalassa jossa perheen lahiystava makasi koomassa aivoverenvuodon (nain ymmarsimme jalkikateen) takia. Tuntuu silta etta isantaperheemme ajattelee etta haluamme mita tahansa virikkeita arkeemme joten he ottavat meidat mukaan kaikkialle. Se on ajatuksena kaunis,mutta koska he eivat selita minne me olemme menossa tai miksi me olemme mukana, taytyy lansimaalaisen opetella nielemaan turhautuneisuus ja menna vain mukana/ Nykyaan uskallan sanoa etta osaan sen verran thaita etta mina ymmartaisin mikali he vain haluaisivat selittaa. Mutta tuntuu etta se ei kuulu heidan tapoihinsa ehka koska olemme nuoria tai koska olemme ulkomaalaisia. Luultavasti molemmat.
Niin sita voi loytaa itsensa thaimaalaisesta sairaalasta keskelta potilasmerta tai istumasta autossa tuntikausia vain kaymassa joidenkin sukulaisten luona jossa emme edes keskustele kenenkaan kanssa. Sairaala oli kylla sinaansa mielenkiintoinen tutustumiskohde, silla se erosi paljon suomalaisista sairaaloista. Potilaat olivat suurissa huoneissa ilman minkaanlaista yksityisyytta ja kaytavatkin olivat taynna paareja. Kuolevat ja pienivammaiset vierekkain. Voinkin siis sanoa etta tutustumme thai-perheemme avulla tosiaan sellaisiin asioihin joihin ei lomamatkalla tormaa. Suuri osa naista kokemuksista on positiivisia, mutta kulttuurierot vain aina vaativat vahan sopeutumista. Musta on tulossa kovaa vauhtia maailman karsivallisin nainen ;)
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