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perjantai 3. lokakuuta 2014

I am a geek and I am loving it

Bournemouth University has:

Bissellä koulun pubissa Dylan's:ssa, tänään olisi karaokeilta
skippaan :D
Having a beer at in Uni
give or take
18 000 students
2000 international students from
100 different countries
92 different societies (including Harry Potter society which I didn't join and Scandinavian society which I joined)
and 2 campuses and
9 halls of residence and mine is is called Corfe house (which is 25 minutes By bus from uni IF there is no traffic)
Talbot Campus (where I study) has:
one library that has
4 floors
at least 2 Starbucks, and as we are true British
1 Costa Coffee
1 pizzeria
1 one pub and
at least 3 professors (I have met 3 professors in total so far) who say constantly during their lessons "are you happt with this as an idea" which makes me very puzzled as I haven't found out yet what would happen if I wouldn't be.

There are some numbers. I love numbers. Well I don't but I am way more comfortable with numbers than letters which are replacing numbers (which is what they seem to do in mathematics and economics which is not okay for me!). I have been juggling with numbers the whole day as today we had 4 hours of finances and well my juggling is a bit clumsy so I also spent some extra hours in our amazing library.

I have always loved libraries, but now I have been actually studying in those. I am social and talk with other students on brakes but lately I have hurried quite fast to the library alone and enjoyed my my time as there are so many different books from business and tourism that I could spend a lifetime in there.

Vapaaehtoisretkellä Arne-luonnonsuojelualueella, tässä tosin työt on jo tehty.
Oli kummallista olla täysin tuntemattomien ihmisten kanssa reissussa,
 erityisesti koskaen koskaan oppinut tuntemaan ketään (osaa edes nimeltä!).
Järjestämisessä taas vähän eroja :D
Volunteering in Arne-nature reserve.
It was very funny to be with total strangers for one day and night.
Especially because I didn't get to know even all of their names
as there was absolutely no getting to
know eachoter -activity or even introducing ourselves!
I have also joined clubs and societies and already done volunteering. During the arrivals fortnight I went for tee and scones to Chaplaincy and meditated with them and signed up to meet a British family which willing to make cultural exchange. Okay, I am not sounding very cool >D But all of this has been great and I am glad that I am doing things that I find interesting.I think I am geek and I am loving it! :D

P.S.  I am going to the kick off of Scandinavian society on Saturday (after I have gone sailing :p) and the invitation stated that don't worry coming alone, we will have drinking games to meet the others. What can I say... :D

1 kommentti:

  1. Hauska :) Pystyn taas samaistumaan, liityin myös Nordic Societyyn ja Europeaniin, kävin myös teellä ja skonssilla Chaplaincyssä ja ilmoittauduin myös tohon "vieraile brittikodissa"-juttuun. Multa puuttuu vaan vapaaehtoistyö :D
