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perjantai 21. kesäkuuta 2013

Technical difficulties in Vientiane Laos

I have couple of blog texts waiting for to be published. But I am facing some troubles. My computer is refusing to connect to WiFi and my phone was stolen. Therefore I don't have any other means to update my blog than slow internet cafes in Vientiane.

Since day before yesterday I have been alone again. My beloved bambu-hut roommate Claire flew home after two months of volunteering and some ten days of traveling together. We had great time together and our last night with Cabaret, nice dinner (very fast though because we were late because of the stupid traffic) and a party we had after cabaret. We finished the party at six am listening some local guys singing and playing guitar when the sun rose after a fun night in Khao San road. Everything else was funny that night but when we saw one guy taken by a police because he had smoked or something. I felt bad even though we didn't know him. I guess he was in big troubles. And it wasn't anything like the police saw him but somebody of the locals had told the police as he drove straight to him. And he was taken by a police which can mean two years in a prison in Thailand...

But yeas, I was quite sad when Claire left, I have to admit. And it didn't help that it was raining in Bangkok (again) and that I was really done with Thailand. But basically I was done with Bangkok, I didn't like it. And I wouldn't recommend it. It is too big, not very beautiful and the traffic is horrible. Really, it takes awfully long to go anywhere during the rush hours and it is very hard to get a taxi cos they refuse to go anywhere at that time. Unless you pay more...

I took a night train to Laos border, close to Vientiane. I didn't have a plan where to go and how to get there. I just knew that I want to visit Luang Prabang and that it might be nice to see the capital in one point. I knew that my visa was over, as there were no trains at the day time and by taking the night train my arrival day would be one day after my visa had expired. So I had to spend some time in the immigration office, pay some money for them and for the Laos immigration for visa (their exchange rate was very interesting). I was a bit overwhelmed when I got out and the massive attack of the tuk tuk drivers and "travel agencies" didn't make me feel better. I bet my phone was stolen in that point. But then I just walked to the first local bus I saw, asked how much was it and sat even though I didn't know where it was going. Luckily I found out when I stepped out that I was in Vientiane and I decided to stay in here for couple of days. I have two rules in my adventures. I am adventurous only at the day-time and I always have cash and emergency cash. And with these two rules I have managed quite well :)


Minulla on pari blogitekstia odottamassa julkaisua, mutta minulle on tullut pari mutkaa matkaan. Tietokone on lopettanut yhteistyon langattomien nettien kanssa ja minulta vietiin puhelin eilen. Olen siis aikalailla yhteydettomassa tilassa. Ainastaan Vientianen nettikahviloiden superhitaat netit ovat vaylana ulkomaailmaan.

Matkustan jalleen yksin koska ihana bambumaja huonekaverini Claire lahti kotiin toissapaivana. Meilla oli todella hyvat (tultiin tosi hyvin juttuun) pari kuukautta yhdessa vapaaehtoistyossa ja kymmenisen paivaa matkustellen Thaimaassa. Viimeinen ilta oli erityisen hauska koska kavimme Cabaressa, soimme hyvin (tosin nopeasti koska olimme myohassa typeran liikenteen takia) ja juhlimme aamuun asti. Ilta paattyi vasta kuudelta aamulla kun kuuntelimme paikallisten kitaransoittoa kadulla auringon noustessa. Illassa oli vain yksi ikava kohta kun naimme kuinka yksi turisti kerattiin talteen poliisin toimesta hanen ilmeisesti poltettuaan ruohoa. Vaikken tuntenut koko kaveria kavi saaliksi. On vakava juttu joutua tekemisiin thaimaan viranomaisten kanssa, huonolla tuurilla pari vuotta thaimaalaisessa vankilassa.

Mutta siis olin aikalailla surullinen Clairen lahdettya. Bangkokissa satoi mika oli masentavaa ja olin muutenkin jo ihan taynna Thaimaata, erityisesti Bangkokia. En suosittelisi Bangkokia matkakohteena silla se oli todella iso, sekava, aika likainen eika sita voi luonnehtia kauniiksi kaupungiksi. Sen liikenne on myos painajainen. En ikina voisi asua sellaisessa kaupungissa. Ruuhkassa voi oikeasti viettaa tunteja (meilla meni kahtena paivana niin kauan!!) eika taksia saa mistaan koska he eivat halua menna liikenteen sekaan. Ellet tietenkin maksa enemman kuin pitaisi...

Otin yojunan rajalle, mika tarkoitti sita etta olin Laosin puolella vasta torstaina. Viisumini kun vahentui jo keskiviikkona, mutta paivasaikaan ei ollut mahdollista paasta Laosiin. Jouduin siis viettamaan jonkin aikaa rajalla, maksamaan ja hommaamaan viisumia Laosiin. Jopa rajavartiostossa minua vedatettiin, vaihtokurssi oli aika omintakeinen maksettaessa visaa. Taman seurauksena olin jo valmiiksi vahan vasynyt ja tuktuk-kuskien ja "matkanjarjestajien" vyory ei auttanut asiaa. Pakenin lahimpaan paikallisbussiin, kysyin paljonko se maksaa ja istuin siina paatepysakille saakka vaikken edes tiennyt minne se oli matkalla. Minulla on kaksi saantoa tassa seikkailussa. Seikkailen vain paivasaikaan ja kannan mukanani aina kateista ja hatavarakateista. Nailla saannoilla olen parjannyt aika hyvin :) Tallakin kertaa minua onnisti ja loysin itseni Laosin paakaupungista Vientianesta. Paatin jaada tanne pariksi paivaksi tekemaan hieman taistelusuunitelmaa tulevaa matkustusta varten.

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