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sunnuntai 15. helmikuuta 2015

Dates by myself - why is lone traveling such a taboo

Like completely alone in the movies, spooky
"yksin leffaan" sai uuden merkityksen, en nyt olis aivan
kokonaan yksinäni tarvinnu koko leffateatteria

I had a great day couple of weeks ago. A sunny day off, loooong breakfast at home, newspaper, coffee and all sort of food I like. Then I took a bus to Christchurch, wandered around, went to see birds to the riverside, visited a church and ate a second breakfast as a lunch because bfast food is amazing. Then I took a bus to Bournemouth, went to the movies, ate as much of popcorn I liked and even studied when I was waiting for the movie cos I felt like it. After the movies (it was a movie called "The theory of everything" and I cried like a girl) I went to one restaurant which had live jazz and had a delicious glass of red wine, read my book and watched people. Then I went home content and sleepy.

Beautiful church of Christchurch
Kävin Chrichurchissa päiväretkellä itsekseni
The day was exactly how I liked it. But when my friends heard about it they were feeling sorry for me and some called me "so Finnish" -  why didnt I ask anyone to go with me. It is hard to explain, but after traveling alone in Asia, it is very natural for me. Week after my perfect date with myself I went to London alone, just for fun for one night since I had to attend a seminar in there anyway. I bought a ticket to London Symphony Orchestra concert, it was on my "must do" list and I waited for it eagerly. I enjoyed the concert and the small trip enormously.

London Symphony Orchestra, loved it
Kävin Lontoossa ja toteutin yhden haaveistani. Lontoon sinfoniaorkesterin
konsertti oli upea kokemus
So this made me to think, why is lone traveling such a taboo? I mean, I would prefer to go to a concert with someone and would have loved to have someone to watch the superbowl after that but I wouldn't have stayed home just because I couldn't think of anyone who would like the same things. And the day-off was just perfect as it was, I got to do what I liked. Going with a group of friends (asking everyone if this or that is okay and if everyone want to go and see the same things) is not always the best way to do things. And when traveling a "loner" gets to know easily the locals since one person is easily approachable - or what do I know, maybe they just pity me :)

My dear new friends
uusia ystäviäni
I came across with an observational research done by one student who studied how it feels to eat alone while traveling. Pure existence of that study tells something about this time. There are more and more people doing this odd thing of traveling alone and finally some companies are waking up and offering packages for single travelers. Intermediaries seem to be quite fixed with their options - do you want a flight and double-room or a flight and a twin room - for one or two travellers. Meanwhile social media and new services like Eatwith are making it easier for "loners" to find company for dinner in their travels - if they wish to have it.  

Girls night out with cocktails and Mr Grey
Tyttöjenilta, namidrinkkejä ja hömppäleffa
I get this feeling that in every text I write I end up pondering how to find a balance. But that really is the issue in here as well :) I have to admit that sometimes I am too fixed in doing things alone and I forget how to behave in a group. To start with I forget to ask other girls to go to the ladies room together or wait outside if someone goes (which is funny but a thing people do naturally) or to agree to meet people just to go to the bus stop together. But I also forget to ask if someone really would be interested in classical concert or second breakfast and I just assume and go alone.
All in all I think that doing things alone shouldn't be terrifying or pitied, being a single might not be your own choice but what to do while single is. And just to remind myself - doing things with friends is fun too. And compromising and doing things which wouldn't be your own ideas should also exist in good friendships and not just in relationships. There is so much to see and so much to do alone or together :)

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