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tiistai 21. lokakuuta 2014

London is my cup of tea

Notting Hill

Holland Park residental area
bättre fålk asuu täällä (Holland Park)

Holland Park

Holland Park

No explanations needed
tämä kuva ei selittelyjä kaipaa

We (me and my cousin Minna) went to see "Stomp", quite a different but quite amazing musical
käytiin serkun kanssa katsomassa "Stomp", joka oli tavattoman hyvä epätavallinen musikaali
Brixton is for those who want a bit of edge to their London experience
kun perusnähtävyydet on nähty voi suunnata vaikka Brixtoniin

biznes cafe in  Brixton. Brixton has some awsome market with amazing small restaurants. This is not one of them :p
biznes cafe Brixtonissa. Brixtonin kauppahallissa saa niin hyvää ruokaa, mutta tuonne en kyllä menisi aterioimaan :p

perjantai 3. lokakuuta 2014

I am a geek and I am loving it

Bournemouth University has:

Bissellä koulun pubissa Dylan's:ssa, tänään olisi karaokeilta
skippaan :D
Having a beer at in Uni
give or take
18 000 students
2000 international students from
100 different countries
92 different societies (including Harry Potter society which I didn't join and Scandinavian society which I joined)
and 2 campuses and
9 halls of residence and mine is is called Corfe house (which is 25 minutes By bus from uni IF there is no traffic)
Talbot Campus (where I study) has:
one library that has
4 floors
at least 2 Starbucks, and as we are true British
1 Costa Coffee
1 pizzeria
1 one pub and
at least 3 professors (I have met 3 professors in total so far) who say constantly during their lessons "are you happt with this as an idea" which makes me very puzzled as I haven't found out yet what would happen if I wouldn't be.

There are some numbers. I love numbers. Well I don't but I am way more comfortable with numbers than letters which are replacing numbers (which is what they seem to do in mathematics and economics which is not okay for me!). I have been juggling with numbers the whole day as today we had 4 hours of finances and well my juggling is a bit clumsy so I also spent some extra hours in our amazing library.

I have always loved libraries, but now I have been actually studying in those. I am social and talk with other students on brakes but lately I have hurried quite fast to the library alone and enjoyed my my time as there are so many different books from business and tourism that I could spend a lifetime in there.

Vapaaehtoisretkellä Arne-luonnonsuojelualueella, tässä tosin työt on jo tehty.
Oli kummallista olla täysin tuntemattomien ihmisten kanssa reissussa,
 erityisesti koskaen koskaan oppinut tuntemaan ketään (osaa edes nimeltä!).
Järjestämisessä taas vähän eroja :D
Volunteering in Arne-nature reserve.
It was very funny to be with total strangers for one day and night.
Especially because I didn't get to know even all of their names
as there was absolutely no getting to
know eachoter -activity or even introducing ourselves!
I have also joined clubs and societies and already done volunteering. During the arrivals fortnight I went for tee and scones to Chaplaincy and meditated with them and signed up to meet a British family which willing to make cultural exchange. Okay, I am not sounding very cool >D But all of this has been great and I am glad that I am doing things that I find interesting.I think I am geek and I am loving it! :D

P.S.  I am going to the kick off of Scandinavian society on Saturday (after I have gone sailing :p) and the invitation stated that don't worry coming alone, we will have drinking games to meet the others. What can I say... :D